Story Structure Series: #2 – Milestones Along the 4-Part Storytelling Road
Storyfix is proud to bring you a 10-part tutorial on the fundamentals of story structure. Today’s post is #2 in that series. #2 — Milestones Along the 4-Part Storytelling Road My approach to story structure is a little like learning about surgery. Which, by the way, I know little about other than it’s a killer analogy. Besides yanking […]
Story Structure Series: #1 — Introducing the Four Parts of Story
Storyfix is proud to bring you a 10-part tutorial on the fundamentals of story structure. Today’s post is #1 in that series. Introducing the Four Parts of Story Some writers like things in nice little boxes. Others, not so much. Either way, you can look at your story like a box, of sorts. You toss in all kinds of […]
Story Structure — Just Possibly the Holy Grail of Storytelling
Storyfix is proud to introduce an 11-part series on the fundamentals of story structure. Following this Introduction, each day will bring a new post in the series. They’ll be filed in a separate category under Pages for future reference. Introduction One question pops up at nearly every writing workshop I teach: how do I know […]