What You May be Missing about “50 Shades of Grey”
It’s all about the “story physics.” In this case, 100 million examples of how and why story physics are the most important consideration in the crafting of a story. Maybe it is. But that’s not the right question… at least here. Did you see the film Unbroken, which documents some of the most heinous human […]
How to Create a Story Premise that Works
A case study illustrating a premise that tried, but comes up short. With an extensive tutorial on why, and how to avoid this trap. When asked how one moves from knowledge to execution… more accurately, the ability to apply storytelling principles to the writing of a draft… I always say this: look for and […]
The Quintessential Paradoxical Pantser Conundrum
Pantser: someone who creates using the seat of their pants, rather than developing a plan beforehand. Sometimes the way we choose to do things is, pure and simple, fun. Sometimes fun trumps everything else. For some, we choose easy rather than what doesn’t come naturally or is perceived as complex. So choose wisely… not […]
Novelists: Two Empowering Little Mind-Models That Just Might Change Everything For You
Some things in life are not measurable. Like, which tastes better, a fresh strawberry or a juicy fat beet. The answer doesn’t matter at all if the stakes are limited to you staring into your refrigerator, and while we can guess there is a vast majority leaning one way over the other in this preferential […]
The New World of Publishing
What’s changed… what hasn’t. Allow me to narrow the lens of that title to focus on what writers of fiction — not David Baldacci or Dan Brown, not Nora Roberts or Jodi Picoult… rather, writers like you and me and everything above, below and in between, published and self–published, bestselling authors and widely published […]
How Are You Going To Succeed As a Writer?
A Guest Post by Cathy Yardley If you’ve read Larry’s books on story (and if you’re here, I’m assuming you have) then you know he presents the six core competencies of successful writing, and the six essences, the “physics”, behind successful story telling. Many people believe that before starting a new work one must check […]
The Holy Trinity of Character: Goals, Obstacles and Stakes
A guest post by Art Holcomb These three components – goals, obstacles and stakes – are nothing short of the holy trinity of character. Nothing – I repeat, NOTHING – is more important to your character than understanding these three points. • They are the basis of all characterization. • They keep your character on […]
Fiction Writers: The Definition and Criteria of Concept
Many writers begin a draft with a vision for concept and premise in mind. Others don’t, using the draft itself as the search-mechanism to find concept and premise, then retrofitting it into the story in subsequent drafts. Some writers are solid on their concept – often without realizing that’s what they have at this point, […]
Storyfix 2.0 – Welcome to the Relaunch!
A killer new design. Enhanced Story Coaching programs. Bigger, better, career-making content. Welcome to my little Open House. Sorry about the cookies and punch, couldn’t find a way to get them into WordPress without consulting a magician, I am already looking for wordpress hosting packages. Read on for a few juicy discounts on story coaching […]
Storytelling: The Key to Everything
Welcome to my new site design! If you’re reading this you’ve arrived at that transitional moment between swapping out the design template and dusting off some of the new parts, most notably the updating of details to my coaching programs. An official “rollout” is days away… until then, happy reading. Let me know if you […]