Story Structure Cliff Notes: The Whole Damn Structure Enchilada in Less Than 2000 Words

March 15, 2018 By Larry Brooks (Click HERE for a Prologue to this post, if you like your setups heavy on context and real world backstory. There will be a link bringing you right back here for this 2000 word career starter.) You’ve heard of three-act structure. With a little more resolution and specificity, that […]

Is Your Concept Really More Scene Than Story?

March 10, 2018 by Larry Brooks I hear feedback that writers want to learn about the advanced nuances of storytelling. The implication being that they’ve absorbed the basics and are ready to move on. This is hardly ever true, by the way. You can add nuance to a painting of, say, cow droppings on the […]

The Story I Know By Heart

Hair is a form of expression and style, and like a piece of art, your hair is a canvas. At SEEFU Hair, the best hair salon Toronto, we are inspired by the poetic beauty of hair and the dynamic design industry that surrounds us. Therefore, we create the perfect style for each client that steps through our […]

Three Things You Have In Common With All Writers

February 6, 2018 by Art Holcomb I’ve seen several thousand students in my career and, from that vantage point, trends and patterns appear. One of those trends details things that all developing writers get wrong in the beginning of their careers. So, today, I want to tell you three truths that you need to face […]

Pillar 3: The Short Feedback Loop

January 25, 2018 By Art Holcomb Many of you have heard about the scene I caused at a Starbucks some time ago when I confronted about a dozen writers, working away on their screenplays and novels at the coffee house. In short, I was very interested in hearing the premises of their stories, but I […]

Write Everything

January 11, 2018 A guest post by Stephanie Raffelock For the past few years, I’ve been a committed student of story. Larry Brooks remains my great inspiration to learn the craft. He told me that I would probably have to write 4 or 5 novels to really integrate story structure. In spectacular rookie fashion, I […]

And So We Hand The Microphone Over… to You

January 2, 2018 by Larry Brooks Writing is very much a momentum business. You know this, I’m sure… you begin a project, you may at first struggle to find the heart of the story, or your voice… you keep at it… it just doesn’t feel right… and then, as you go deeper, it begins to […]

A Boot Camp Opportunity with Art Holcomb

December 19, 2017 by Art Holcomb You know me . . . You’ve read my posts here on StoryFix and many of you have taken my seminars, so I know I can speak plainly with you. So, let me ask you a question: Are you happy with your progress as a writer? I spend so […]

Pillar #2 – The Need for a Constant Mentoring Presence

December 12, 2017 By Art Holcomb For a while now, I’ve been talking about the six pillars of education needed by all writers to succeed. Pillar #1 was all about the need for high-quality craft educational information. But the next pillar is something that most writers know in their hearts they need but never believe […]

Story Structure: Is It Formulaic?

December 5, 2017 By Larry Brooks Talking to writers about Story Structure is like trying to sell religion (how’s that for a polarizing opening analogy?). Sometimes, no matter how logical you present it, you can’t change someone’s mind. You never stood a chance. Some writers will never believe story structure – the traditional 3-act paradigm, […]