You may have seen this. Based on click-through statistics, probably not.
What began as an interview with Joanna Penn (she’s wonderfully Aussie, I’m regrettably not… love that accent) about my new book turned out to be a spontaneous primer on the writing mindset and how story architecture fits into that vital aspect of the experience.
In the tradeoff between investing 30 minutes of your day in Entertainment Tonight or this, I’m thinking this is the better writerly bet.
My wife says I sat too close to the camera, and you should know that the metal pole in the background is a bed post, not a prison bar. Other than that, I think you’ll find lots here to light your brain on fire.
Visit The Creative Penn for a wealth of good stuff about writing stories, including a ton of other interviews.
Oh… almost forgot (you buying that?)… please purchase “Story Engineering” HERE, my kid has one more year of college left, and all of us only have so much time to spend learning the craft of storytelling for real.
Useless side note: This is the 301st Storyfix post (not counting the 20 or so I’ve pulled off for various reasons). It’s also the very first video. I’m thinking there’s more to come. Once I figure out the buttons.
16 Responses
Loved the interview, bought the book…I’m all set! Thanks for a wonderful free workshop, Larry.
Correction: That should’ve said “book”, not “eBook” – apologies. I own all of Larry’s eBooks, too, and love them and so I got confused for a moment!
Loved the interview, thanks so much for sharing (as always) with us, Larry. And for introducing me to Joanna’s awesome website (it’s on my list of daily visits now!).
I can assure anyone considering whether or not to get Larry’s eBook “Story Engineering” that is well worth it. Even as avid and life-long reader and writer who thrives on being “all over the place at once” (I’m bi-polar and adult ADHD, so you can imagine how much trouble I have with planning!), Larry’s tips and tricks have helped even me focus on much better formula for writing than the throw all the words at a page and spend years editing approach I’d been doing!
Thanks so much to Larry (and Joanna!) for helping us out and taking the time to share their knowledge, trials, & tribulations!
I got my copy in the mail today. I can’t wait to get started.
Cannot wait to buy the book. Everything you say smacks of common sense. Without order, there is chaos. I, for one, would like much more order in how I write and in the finished product. Thanks.
Hi Larry, Great stuff as always. After studying story engineering and following your blog for a year, it was great to hear you in sort-of person. I especially love the drill down about creating the same formula scene to scene.
Great stuff, as always, Larry. Thanks for re-sharing the video. I was wondering about that post in the background… thought maybe it was a baseball bat!
Joanna (& fellow Brit) & Larry
Awesome presentation. Many of what you teach I impart to my clients, especially the mis-understanding about writing scenes and boundaries. I learned so much more from this video and I thank you.
I will be sharing this clip with my subscribers.
Loved the interview. It was very telling and I enjoyed it immensely.
BTW Mr. Brooks. You have a very nice voice, even without the lovely English accent of Joanne.
Thanks so much for the interview Larry – and yes, I am English! Moving back to London in the next 6 weeks so I will never be mistaken for an Aussie again 🙂
I did wonder if the pole was for dancing – or for firemen! (didn’t like to ask!)
@Spinx — here’s the Youtube link:
I hope, after watching this, that you still think I’m cool. You never know. “-” L.
My computer has some kind of problem showing videos for me. Do you , by any chance, have this on Youtube as well?
Don´t be too bothered if you don´t (as if!). I´m sure you´re going to drop some more knowledge for me to pick up in a writingformat.
On another note———–I´ve been reading SE for the past week. What a blast. I find that one really has to re-read chapters as time goes on to fully grasp it.
Whatever, whatever—–it certainly was worth it. Now I´ve actually managed to thank you in a way that you can at least “feel”. My cash in your pocket.
With best greetings from Vienna!
(You´re still cool)
Hi Larry,
Joanna lives Down Under, but I think she’s originally English. But I may be wrong.
Hi Larry
Saw the original. Loved it. Bought the book. Love it. Nuff said. 🙂