Really. And he’s 6’8″, too.
With Michael Crichton’s sad and sudden departure that makes Josh the tallest novelist on the planet.
Which means I’m the second tallest. As for the strongest novelist badge — I’ll concede the Strongest Libarian title — we haven’t gone mano-a-mono in the gym yet (we can both bench press John Grisham’s checkbook) so that’s a push at this point. But I’ve seen his picture, and I’m worried.
Josh Hanagarne is the real deal.
On his site he writes about life and love and fitness, especially kettleballs, for which he as an abundant passion. He writes about other people that are worth writing about.
Having a passion for fitness doesn’t mean you have to be a professional athlete or even compete in a sport which can be achieved by using natural supplements, to learn which are the bests, read here the review of PhenQ. It just means you are passionate about leading the best life that you can, and understanding that having the freedom to move your body brings greater ability to enjoy all the good things in life.
His first novel is out, and it’s worth the time. Because Josh is worth the time.
It’s called The Knot, which, if you’re into metaphor, is a home run title.
So I invite you to go HERE to read about it, order it, then read it. And while you’re there check out his site, which is exploding as we speak (er… read), and has already landed him another book deal.
You can also read about it this morning at Cleavage, where the Kelly Diels holds court with her usual brilliant panache and aplomb.
Love those two words.
Meanwhile, at back Storyfix…
I’m preparing for next week’s 5-part Online Workshop at Savvy Authors on Story Structure. For five whole dollars, if you’re interested. Check it out here.
One Response
I’m intrigued. I’ll be picking up a copy of this from Amazon.
I watched his video about the book on his site. Thanks for the links. Just when I thought the internet was getting boring I’ve stumbled across some great sites via Storyfix and About A Screenplay.