Storycraft for serious authors.
Epiphanies await.

Excerpt from “Story Fix: Transform Your Novel From Broken to Brilliant”

If you’re a student of the writing game, I’m betting you’ve heard of Jane Friedman.  Once the Publisher of Writers Digest Magazine, she is now one of the most respected and oft-quoted voices in the publishing world, with a noted blog on the topic that includes its share of craft focus, as well.

I awoke this morning to a great gift: Ms. Friedman has published an excerpt of my new writing book (see title above) on her blog, and it was picked up on Scoop It for even wider distribution.  The slice of narrative she selected focuses on something we’ve kicked around a lot here on Storyfix, the nature and power of CONCEPT relative to story design and execution.  There’s a lively little discussion unfolding there, as well.

I hope you’ll check it out… HERE.

I also hope you give the book itself a shot.  Click HERE to read the first wave of reviews, and if so moved, pick up your copy.

Story Fix cover jpeg


PS – apologies if yesterday’s post (on my Paris observations) arrived in your inbox with the pictures all catywompass and upside-down.  I had them all pointing in the proper direction here on WordPress (if not the spacing, which I never could get right)… but by now it’s no secret that my technical skills are low-rent, and thus I am at a loss to understand or explain what went wrong.  Anyhow, I hope you didn’t get a neck cramp twisting sideways to see them straight.

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5 Responses

  1. I LOVE this website – Larry you are awesome (don’t use that word much but it just fits here). You teach, share and entertain all in an easy to understand style. Have Story-Fix’d for years (yep, used as a verb quiet often). After shelves full of writing books it took Story Engineering to pull back the curtain. Story Physics was a terrific follow-up. Have finished my first – first draft and am stalled in how to tackle revision. Reading and studying about that task everywhere I can. Now, along comes Story Fix ! (sorry Christmas List – too far off). I knew if you wrote it, I would understand. I read fast but study your books quite slowly to let it all seep in. Gleefully beginning Part Two. When I gather my courage, I will choose one of your Coaching Services.

    Thank you for the Paris blog, the wonderfully chosen Guest Bloggers, all the Deconstructions, the links to things you want us to experience, for teaching me the craft of writing. When my book is published your name will be front and center in my Acknowledgments. You deserve every bit of success and happiness that comes your way. Can’t wait to read what you share next.

  2. I have the new book, of course! You’re a great teacher and it comes through in your writing. Thanks as always for being there for us.
    Congrats on the Friedman post! And the photos in your Storyfix post yesterday came through clear and right side up for me.
    Welcome home!

  3. Your pictures showed beautifully in my email. I’m off to check out the excerpt Jane chose. Joel’s right; she does rock! As do you, low-rent tech skills or not. 🙂

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