Storycraft for serious authors.
Epiphanies await.

Download available : Unlock the Power of Criteria-Driven Story Development

… presented by Larry Brooks as a live-narration, Power Point visualized lecture, with a run-time of one hour and twenty minutes.

This virtual workshop from Writers Digest University was part of WD’s recent Mystery and Thriller Virtual Conference.

The download is available HERE for $79.99


This workshop is about elevating the efficacy of your writing process, without asking you to change it. In doing that, the focus isn’t on process, per se; rather, this session will focus on the outcome of your process, framed as element-specific target criteria.

In the mystery and thriller genres especially, audiences have specific expectations, as well as a high bar. While a story may emerge organically for the writer, rare is the story that ticks off the requisite boxes at that early stage. There are craft-specific strategies to help you meet the criteria for an effective mystery or thriller, regardless of whether you are a pantser (an organic story developer) or a plotter/planner/outliner. The criteria, and the desired/optimal outcome, are exactly the same.

Experienced authors understand that the criteria for the first part of a novel are very different than the middle or the end (which are also unique, criteria-wise). But even that is overly simplistic. This workshop will reduce the core bones of an effective mystery or thriller down into specific elements and essences, giving you context for the creative decisions you must make within each of them.

Half the battle is won at the story-idea stage, and how that translates into a complete – and completely functional – dramatic premise. There are specific criteria for this, which frame the efficacy the parts and parcels that emerge from that premise.

You may have studied the basics before now. This is a deeper dive into what makes bestsellers out of otherwise pedestrian story ideas, and what makes career-authors out of those who still seek the nuances and true purpose of the craft principles that can unlock the highest potential of the work.


This material is a high fly-over of my new book, Great Stories Don’t Write Themselves: Criteria-Driven Strategies for More Effective Fiction — which releases in the fall from Writers Digest Books. In a field in which it may seem there is rarely anything new to discover, this is a fresh and comprehensive approach for writers who seek to know as much as they can about how and why novels work at the deepest levels, and how to access and apply those fundamental principles.



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5 Responses

  1. Finally! lol Been checking Storyfix once a week for updates. lol Welcome back. Look forward to more books and writing advice!

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