Storycraft for serious authors.
Epiphanies await.

One From the Heart

Some of you may be aware that I’m now also blogging on The Kill Zone, which for me is like being asked to do a regular TED talk (a goal that remains in my sites, by the way).  Nine published thriller/mystery authors post daily (rotating the hot seat) on cross-genre writing topics.

Today is my turn (every other Monday), and the post is perhaps the most personally resonant I’ve written anywhere, while leading directly into the heart of what makes one writing career more successful than another.  Sometimes it goes back to your Square One/Day One starting point on this journey, which can take years to unwind and reboot if you get that wrong.

I’d like to share it with you.

Click HERE to access.

It might end up being a personal experience for you, as well.

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5 Responses

  1. In case anyone’s questioning whether to follow the link, stop questioning and follow the link, eh?

    Now my golf story:

    When my brother moved out to Texas where I lived he brought me a set of golf clubs so he didn’t have to play alone.

    He spent a lot of time teaching me basics as we tore up my front yard.

    Once we drove over to Franklin to play in a little course carved in narrow strips from a pine forest, I stepped up to my very first tee ever and froze. I couldn’t remember it all.

    My brother said “Stop thinking and just hit it.”

    It wasn’t pretty, but it went.

    Get the basics, know ’em, and then go swing your authentic swing.

  2. Hi Larry
    As one who is trying to build a community of writers helping each other, I am always on the lookout for accomplished authors to recommend to my members, and even invite them to join us.
    Imagine my surprise when, on my very first visit to your blog, I discover a glaring error in the very first post I read. I know we’re all prone to errors. Heaven knows I make plenty myself, but as an editor they jump right off the page at me.
    In your very first paragraph you say “remains in my sites, by the way”. I’m pretty sure you meant “sights”
    No need to display this comment on your “site”, but would be honored if you would check out mine and consider joining. You never know, it may be a source of visitors to yours. I will post a link to yours anyway.

    William H. Gould (Bill)

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