Storycraft for serious authors.
Epiphanies await.

Save your marriage. Salvage your primary relationship. Get it all back. Fall in love again.

Check out this interview by Sue Coletta, about my new book. It’s a really vulnerable and intimate exchange, which might surprise you and might even shine some light on your relationship.  


Welcome to my little side project. It’s not a novel. It’s an unflinching examination of what works, what doesn’t – and why – within our primary relationships.

It’s about how to fall in love again. And who doesn’t want that?

This is me chipping into the human conversation in a way that fiction can’t. My novels are full of relationship dysfunction and the juicy dark side of love… but this new project – entitled CHASING BLISS – is serious stuff. Even though it’ll make you laugh in places, it’ll make you wince and make you hopeful in others.

Chasing Bliss FRONT cover final jpeg (2)

The subtitle pretty much says it all, so I won’t launch much of a content synopsis beyond that. Except to say… this is the stuff you pay your shrink thousands of dollars to land on while she listens and takes notes (that said, there are two Forewords, both by practicing MD/PsyD pros).

You’ll learn the ten reasons why “he” will cheat on you. Ten reasons by “she” will leave you. Five example scenarios that usually trip us up, and how to avoid those traps. And there is a breakdown of the love dynamic into seven relationship

You’ll learn the ten reasons why “he” will cheat on you. Ten reasons by “she” will leave you. Five example scenarios that usually trip us up, and how to avoid those traps. And then there is a breakdown of the love/cohabitation dynamic into seven relationship realms, all unavoidable, and how they can make or break you on their own, one at a time.

Living with someone you love is always challenging. Time itself, if left in charge, always erodes and diffuses the energy between you. You are battling against that as much as anything. These are the emotional physics that corrupt the psychology of love and domestic harmony. But there are ways to beat the odds and fall in love again.

These seven realms become the tool chest – the opportunity – to heal the wounds and lay the groundwork for an escalating and exciting future together. One that reignites the dream and reaffirms what you once had.

So where’s my graduate degree for this stuff? I’ve lived this. Been there, paid that counseling tab, taken the workshops, read the literature. And now I am in love with – married to – a woman who sets a high bar, one that presented me with a choice: step up, or step down and out. This book was inspired by that work, because stepping down was never an option for me.

As I’ve done in my fiction coaching work (three #1 bestselling books so far, and this website), I break it all down into component parts and endeavor to clarify what works, what doesn’t, why, and how to hit the reset button on it all.

So I hope you’ll give this a shot. Chances are the title and subject are already calling to you. I wrote this for you. Whether your relationship is broken or not, on fire or not, or even if you’re at or just out of the starting gate… this is information and thinking you’ll wish you had all along, and be thankful you’ve discovered now.

Because it’s never too late to fall in love… again.

Check out the book’s website (still under construction, but the home page is viewable) at

The book is available in trade paperback, on Kindle, Nook, Smashwords and iBooks


Reviewers and bloggers wanted for this project.  If you have a following and are interested and willing to pay it forward (a review on Amazon or on your site, even an online interview), I’ll forward a copy of the book. Contact me at

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3 Responses

  1. The psychological approach to gaining insight for characters will be a plus for Chasing Bliss. Though my own marriage failed, it wasn’t for lack of trying. And those same forms of study through counseling and training gave me–if nothing else–great night into pursueing characterization. Venus and Mars really are not two different planets. However, our approach can be quite different. Understanding those differences on a psychological basis has given me so much in terms of understanding relationships and grist for great character development. Looking forward to reading Chasing Bliss. I’m sure that future stories and relationships will be better for it. Thanks, Larry…and Nann for pointing out this added attraction.

  2. Nann – yep, I agree. One of the reasons I came to this project is because I’ve applied these same principles, which I’ve discovered and studied through several forms of training, counseling and self-study, originally for just that purpose: applying deep, real psychology to my fiction. Which, based on input and reviews, seemed to work. Works in the real world, too.

    Hope it helps you with your characterizations, and in general! Thanks for commenting. L.

  3. Larry, I’m way past this being helpful in my relationship(s), but it occurred to me it might also be useful for writers to apply–for good or for bad–to their characters. Do you think that might work? If so, I’ll buy it!

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