Storycraft for serious authors.
Epiphanies await.

Ten Top Tips From Top Ten Tippers… Another Free 30-Minute Workshop Disguised As An Interview… And Some News

What if ten of the top writing bloggers chipped in their very best (or least favorite) writing tip, and a benevolent website collected ’em all and posted the list for your reading pleasure and creative enlightenment?

Click through to to check it out.   

Listen up.

Once again what was supposed to be an interview about my new writing book — this time on national radio — turned into a spontaneous writing workshop.  The show is Open Book with Diana Page Jordan… you can check it out here.

And you don’t even have to look at my mug this time.

The May/June Issue of Writers Digest Magazine

If you subscribe, you already have it.  If not, it’ll be on your local newsstand soon, if not already.

Look on page 58… you’ll find an article — an excerpt from the book, actually — by yours truly, on “Buiding Backstory,” with a sidebar piece on “Crafting Backstory for a Series.”  Then on the next page there’s another backstory article by Hallie Ephron.

Me and Hallie, hangin’ out in Writers Digest.  Who’d a thunk it.

There’s also a cool interview with Pat Conroy, one of my favorite authors and someone we can all look to for storytelling excellence.

Now if I could actually get in the same room with those two, that’d be something.

101 Best Websites for Writers

Also in that issue of Writers Digest magazine… their annual list of the 101 Best Websites for Writers.

Happy and proud to announce… Storyfix made the list.  Thanks in large part to those of you who visit here regularly.  You have my sincere gratitude.

The list is broken down into categories, and the sites are listed alphabetically within each of them.  Storyfix is listed in the “Writing Advice” category (numbers 30 through 45), in the #42 slot. 


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8 Responses

  1. Hey Larry,

    Just listened to your interview with Diana Page Jordan. Wow, well worth the 30 minutes of time. You did a great job of illustrating the distinction between idea, concept, and theme, amorphous entities I always struggle with. You’re getting to be a better interview subject all the time.

  2. Dear Larry,
    Your book “Story Engineering” is on my desk at the corner of my computer. It’s dog-eared, highlighted, coffee-stained and decorated with yellow sticky notes. So here’s to you, Larry. Congratulations for putting it all together in “Story Engineering”…especially for newbie writers like me. And, congratulations to me for buying your book! It’s the best ‘how to’ on the craft (I have tons of them). “Story Engineering” is an easy and fun read (I love your writing voice). You’ve presented a blue print for story-building that even a “Pantser” like me can work with. The 6 core competencies, now (almost) embedded in my brain, has got my ‘organic thinking’ organized. An extra thank you for including the chapter “The Pantser’s Guide to Story Planning…PERFECT!
    Big hug to you. ((((( )))))

  3. Larry,
    Looks like “surfs up.” Enjoy the ride!

    RE: Amazon banter.
    The market theory today weds personality and commodity.
    Your Amazon banter proves the point.

    Keep them talking. Doesn’t really matter what they say. Truth with out controversy would be boring. Keep them talking.

  4. Larry, I wanted to thank you for giving me my First Plot Point in my writing career. as you so aptly put it one of your past blog posts.

    I’ve devoured your blog and ordered your book and the way you explain story structure finally makes total sense to me.

    I have to tell you I’m a pantser – and always will be as outlining and planning in detail completely kills the joy I get from writing – but I now write with the blueprint for story structure in mind, making sure I know what my story milestones will be ahead of time.

    I’m glad your blog got the recognition it deserves:)

  5. Hello Larry

    Sunday I was reading my latest issue of WD, and saw your blog in the 101 Websites for Writers. They certainly are right! Keep it coming, my friend.


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