Storycraft for serious authors.
Epiphanies await.

The Best Writing Workshop You’ve Ever Taken for Five Bucks

Seriously.  It happens next week — an online workshop on story structure… for five bucks.

It’s not here, by the way.  It’ll be at Savvy Authors, and to get in you’ll need to enroll ahead of time.  Or, on the day itself… though there is a cap on attendance (don’t want to crash the server, I guess), so I’d get in early.

This workshop has a title.  As preface to it, allow me to suggest that the title may or may not work for you.  If it doesn’t, know that the content presented is universal to storytelling, and if you’re not into the genre in question you’ll still get what you came for.


If you are one… welcome to the rest of your career.

Here’s how it works: I’ll post five online “lessons” beginning Monday, April 5th.  It’ll appear in a forum venue on the site, allowing interactivity to ensue.  Lively Q&A guaranteed.  Ask your questions, I’ll respond.

Here’s the low down:

This five-post series will outline five stages of story planning: 1: Story planning versus organic story growth; 2: “Ideation” — the growth of an idea into a story; 3. The fleshing out of the four basic story elements at the pre-manuscript stage; 4. Translating the plan into story structure; 5: growing your beat sheet into an outline and then into a manuscript.

This workshop introduces the notion of “story engineering” as a development and writing process, covering each of the requisite bases required to write a publishable novel, without the need to write a series of multiple drafts that seek to do the same thing.  This process can yield a draft that is a polish away from final, rather than something that requires restructuring and a complete narrative rewrite.

 Here’s how to enroll:

Go to Savvy Authors (

Click on the Workshops tab in the banner just under the title graphic.

Scroll down to April 5 (there are three workshops listed for that date), and click on STORY STRUCTURE FOR ROMANCE WRITERS.

There you’ll find a description of the course.  Next to the sub-head “Registration” there’s a link that reads: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Once you’re in, then come back on Monday to participate.

There’s a whole boatload of material on this site, so you may consider joining, in which case all the workshops are free.  And if you’ve clicked directly into the registration page, be sure to go to the Savvy Authors home page so you can get a feel for the navigation come Monday (this site is huge).

Hope to see you there.

In the meantime, stay right here.  I have several killer posts planned over the next week or so.

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8 Responses

  1. … she raised one porcelainic hand, laid it on her alabaster breast to still her fluttering heart, overcome with primal feminine urges at the sight of his pounding jackhammer of love…

    I reckon I’ve got this Romance thing down pat. Move over Danielle Steel!

    I’m going to join up today, I think I need all the help I can get.

  2. Awesome! I’ve signed up and paid my fee. Romance happens to be one of the genres I like—and getting first hand lessons on story structure too…Woot!

    Thanks Larry. You rock!


  3. You’re leading a workshop on story structure? Excellent! And in my price range, to boot. I’m heading over as I type, lol. I will check out the site, despite the genre – I write mystery & suspense, but resources are resources, just like story structure is story structure. 😉

  4. Good for you! If I had your talent, I’d be running an online college, not just a workshop! I hope to see a forum and some screenplay writing classes here someday.

    I’m heading over to sign up now; you know I have romantic, Everwoody tendencies….

  5. @Steve — far as I know, you can comment any time. I won’t be on it 24/7 myself, though I’ll try to be on a lot during the week and respond as quickly as a I can. Pretty informal, I think. Thanks for signing on, should be fun. We’ll all end up being romance novelists someday. 🙂 Not a bad thing. L.

  6. Test, test.

    Larry, I signed up. I’m assuming that I can participate on those particular days at any time after the post? Or is there a set time?

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