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Empower your rewrite, or your first draft, with a refreshingly intense approach to evaluating what you have and making it better.
“Larry Brooks is a superb storyteller and teacher. If anyone can fix your novel, it’s him. Put this one on your desk and read it often.”
–Robert Dugoni, #1 Amazon and New York Times best-selling author of My Sister’s Grave
“In a marketplace filled with rehashed, often over-simplified advice, Brooks pulls no punches. Larry speaks to you like the professional writer he knows you can become. He clearly understands the difference between what you may want to hear–and what you need to hear.”
–Art Holcomb, award-winning writer and educator
Available at a bookstore near you (if not, ask and they’ll order it for you). To order online, click HERE for trade paper back (from Amazon.com), or HERE for Kindle, and HERE for Nook.
The bestselling writing craft book, from Writer’s Digest Books:

What readers are saying about “Story Engineering”…
“If you’ve been searching for an accessible, well-reasoned explanation of how the story building process works, look no further. Here is the roadmap you need to understanding the craft of writing.” —Terry Brooks, author of more than twenty five bestselling novels including The Sword of Shannara
“Story Engineering is a master class in novel writing. Reading it is like getting an MFA, without the pesky admissions process or student loans. This book will make you smarter about the craft. Period.” —Chelsea Cain, New York Times Bestselling author of Heartsick, Sweetheart, and Evil at Heart
“Larry Brooks’s Story Engineering is a brilliant instructional manual for fiction writers that covers what the author calls the `Six Competencies of Successful Storytelling.’ The author presents a story telling model that keeps the writer focused on creating a dynamic living and breathing story form concept to the `beat sheet’ plan, through story structure and writings scenes. It’s a wonderful guide for the beginner and a great refresher for the pro. I guarantee this book will give you new ways to fire up your creativity.” — Jim Frey, author of How to Write a Damn Good Novel
“A useful guide explaining how to transfer screenwriting techniques to the craft of novel-writing. Good for screenwriters, too, summarizing the essence of entertaining commercial storytelling with great clarity.” —Christopher Vogler, author of The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
“Larry Brooks’ groundbreaking book offers both novelists and screenwriters a model for storytelling that is nothing short of brilliant in its simplicity, its depth, its originality and its universality. Following his unique process is guaranteed to elevate your writing to the highest professional level.” — Michael Hauge, author of Writing Screenplays That Sell, and Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds.
Order The bestselling trade paperback from Amazon.com HERE, or HERE for Kindle and HERE on Nook.
The award-winning* writing craft book, from Writer’s Digest Books:
Story Physics: Harness the Underlying Forces of Storytelling
*Best Non-fiction book, 2013 Indie Awards
Find out how bestsellers are made, and what separates them from the crowd. Agents, editors and readers aren’t looking for the next also-ran, they
‘re looking for the next home run. Find out what that looks like and ho to make it happen in your novel.
Order The bestselling trade paperback from Amazon.com HERE, or HERE for Kindle and HERE on Nook.
“Psychological thrillers with a dark, edgy take on relationships.”
Currently available on Kindle (click on titles):
Darkness Bound
(the USA Today Bestseller; read the Publishers Weekly review HERE)
Pressure Points
(Read the Publishers Weekly review on the Amazon.com page HERE)
Serpent’s Dance
(check out the audio book HERE)
Bait and Switch
(Publishers Weekly starred review, Best Books of 2004)
Deadly Faux
(the sequel to Bait and Switch; read the PW review HERE;
read the Kirkus review HERE)
The Seventh Thunder
(Winner, Best Thriller, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, 2010;
read the Kirkus review HERE)
Here are the covers from the original Penguin Putnam/Onyx/Signet editions:
If I plan to read both Story Engineering and Story Physics, which do you suggest I read first?
Hi Larry and all the visitors of this website.
There is no doubt that writing an interesting book can be a difficult process, especially if you want to write a best-seller. that is why attracting readers is important, but keeping their attention can be really hard. I can say, that you managed to interest me with this book. So why not fill my list of already written books with one more.
Thank you for good advices! In my opinion, when you need to write something you don’t have just sit down and write. To be inspired, you must relax first, clear your thoughts and mind, do some things that make you happy, etc. I think that after this, fresh ideas will come to you without doubts! But that is true that when you begin to write nothing should distract from writing. You must find a lonely place, disable phone, internet connection and plunge into the world of your fantasy! Following your tips, it would be much easier to prepare yourself for writing
Hi Larry!
This is your cousin in California!
This is the only way I know how to write you — do you have any new books for me to read???
Thanks! I hacked my way around Amazon’s stupidity. Took me three hours or so but the book is mine 😀
Will repeat the process for the Physics 😉
@dandellion – difference between story structure and Story Engineering: the first is a subset of the latter. There are six core competencies that comprise the craft of story engineering, and structure is one of them. My book, “Story Engineering,” deals with all six. No real way for me to personally send you a digital version outside of Amazon (the book isn’t self-published), but there are other online sources, as well, like this one:
Hi Larry!
Thanks for all he knowledge and craft on the website and in Story Structure! That book is precious.
Now, I’d also like to know what’s the difference between Story Structure and Story Engineering. Also, is there a way to get it (e-book version, epub or mobi) from you and not Amazon? Amazon has some weird copyright thing going on so they won’t send me (and many other people across the world) files though they don’t object sending paper books and electronics.
I received your book (Story Engineering) today and will finish it tomorrow. It is one of the best books I have ever read (excluding the Bible). I have been an oil painter (realism) for 30 yrs. and know it intimately. It is amazing how much Story Engineering correlates to my style of painting. I use Renaissance period (and prior) techniques that have stood the test of time for centuries. All of my paintings are very well thought out (preplanned) beforehand. I know exactly where I am going and what to do next at all times. Additiionally, I know exactly what my vision is and what I am going to get upon completion. NO HAPPY ACCIDENTS HERE, sorry Bob Ross (who was a great guy and a medic in Vietnam whom I have a great deal of respect for). With preplanning we are in the company of giants like Carravaggio, Ruebens, DaVinci, Raphael etc. There is no formula there, just careful preplanning with exquisite execution. My paintings have consistently garnered cash and awards when I choose to exhibit them.
I am just starting to write. If I can reach the level of proficiency in writing that I have in drawing and painting I will be elated. I feel very fortunate that the first and only book I have purchased on the subject of writing was Story Engineering. My purpose is for the challenge initially and to investigate my possible commercial suitability eventually. Pantsing or “the organic approach” is also known in painting circles. I never liked it because the main ingredient of that approach, similar to “organic’ gardening, requires the handling of way too much shit. (lol) Both before and after the work is completed.
If you are interested in seeing the result (first work) of what an absolutely new writer can accomplish with your book being their ONE and ONLY guide let me know. Hopefully we won’t be calling it “comedic” no matter the genre. Thanks again for a terrific book. Regards RD
Hi, M. Rochellino! If any one of these comments could have sold me on buying this book, yours certainly did. Thank you!
I tried to buy Whisper of the Seventh Thunder on Amazon and it says it is not available for customers in the United States. Is there anywhere that I can get a copy of the book? Thanks!
Hi Larry, I have been reading story engineering and its been significantly helpful and clarifying. I had spent a year going into deeply Robert Mckees Story and its awesome, however I was missing some pieces and this book has been filling alot of those gaps in my understand out. I had a question. I’m at a point where I understand the macro levels of story writing well, but I am struggling and lack information when it comes to how the major milestones you teach , can be weaved in micro level sequence patterns and scene patterns. Do you recommend a book that can illuminate that area of screenwriting for me? I almost there, and am closing in on a functional understanding, but I need that next piece.
Thanks for your work
I went to amazon, to buy the Kindle version of Story Engineering. Amazon would not let me; they say “customers have told us that there may be something wrong with the description, the content, or the way that the content is displayed.” Any idea when this might get resolved?
Hi Larry,
Is there any way to get Story Engineering directly from you rather than through the kindle or nook stores? I live in China, so it’s e-books for me and my only viable payment option is paypal.
Hi Larry — since we are talking about your books, Story Engineering REALLY needs to be done is some sort of audio format! (if it is available now, please post the link!)
But the easiest way to learn something is to listen to it repetitively and it goes without saying it’s one of the best writing books out there, so I would love to be able download it and listen to in until it’s ingrained.
So, any plans for it in MP3 format?
PS and any more info on online classes be offered?
I’d also like to know the different between Story Structure Demystified and Story Engineering.
^^Rebecca’s post includes Larry’s thoughts on voice, and the oh-so-common problem of overwriting. Couldn’t agree more. Reminds me of this quote:
“I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had time to make it shorter.” — Blaise Pascal
Hi Larry
I spoke to you a while ago about my ‘Best advice I’ve learned’ series. It’s been a great success with plenty of comments, likes and clicks to links such as your website and Amazon where my readers can buy your book. If you are interested in linking your readers to top-rated comments on “Story Engineering” from my site here is the link to this series I’ve been posting regarding the 6 Core Competencies from “Story Engineering”: http://rebeccaberto.wordpress.com/category/the-best-advice-ive-learned-series/
Thanks for an enlightening and unique resource.
Hi Larry,
Awesome book Story Structure–Demystified. The best I’ve read, and I’ve read a lot of books on fiction writing.
Could you, please, take a moment to tell me what the difference is between the book above and your “Story Engineering”?
If the latter goes into more detail, fuller explanations, etc., I’ll have to buy it!
Can I get the books I publish included here for review and submission ? I do have a site I am producing storiestotale.com (the new one will be up soon), but I have 5 books I really need help with and I don’t have et am a self publisher indi
You you should edit the page subject title Books by Brooks to more specific for your blog post you write. I enjoyed the post however.
I was just wondering when you’ll be releasing the ebook: Get Your Bad Self Published. I’m not sure if you sent it out last month and missed me in the shuffle of people who prepaid for it. Just wanted to check. 🙂
Hi Larry:
I commented the other day on your review of Colin Harrison’s work, and I wanted to come back because I just finished “Darkness Bound.”
AMAZING book. Seriously, amazing. Especially the last hundred pages. I kept going back and forth, trying to figure out who I should hate, and I wouldn’t want to leave any spoilers here but when I thought that one main character was going to totally screw over another character, I had a visceral reaction, and very few writers can produce that in me.
Most of the books I read are predictable, but you somehow managed to keep me jumping around from one guess to the next throughout the book. You managed to confront some of the most uncomfortable and most human emotions and desires in the book, but without preaching. It takes a strong writer to let the reader come to his or her own conclusions about a controversial situation (or ten controversial situations).
Koontz is one of the only authors whose books I’ll read over and over again, but I’ll read “Darkness Bound” again as well.
I’m going to read “Pressure Point” next, and I’ll pick up the other two next time I’m at the bookstore. Are you coming out with anything new this year?
Wow, you sure know how to make a writer feel, well, like it’s all worthwhile. Thank you for this gift, Laura. Down the road I hope to see Dilon and The Dark Lady doing their dance on the silver screen. I’m thinking Tom Cruise and Angelina.
Thanks again. Wow.
I really like your post. Does it copyright protected?
Hi KattyBlackyard (GREAT name there…) — not sure I understand your question about copyright. Since you’re on the books page, are you asking if the books are copyrighted? (They are.) Pls clarify if you’d like to. Thanks!