Two disturbing but critical questions for writers of fiction:
What’s the worst thing someone can say about your story?
Answer: that your characters are flat and one dimensional.
What’s the worst thing you can admit to yourself about your story?
Answer: that you don’t really have a clue how to fix that problem.
Or worse, that you aren’t quite sure what that even means.
I’d like to introduce you to a new ebook that will show you how to do just that.
“The Three Dimensions of Character:
Going Deep and Wide To Develop Compelling Heroes
and Villains”
An ebook by bestselling novelist, writing guru and the guy
behind, Larry Brooks
A writer’s tool chest of definitions,
developmental models, qualitative criteria,
checklists and examples that take the mystery
out of characterization.
And, a kick-ass good time read, too.
Ready to dig in? Save time and order now.
Not yet? Then keep reading. Because if you don’t understand the true nature of compelling characterization in your stories… you need to.
A Personal Message from the Author
Dear Fellow Writer –
There’s good news and bad news about story development.
The good news is that there really is an accepted model for developing a great story, complete with discreet sequential parts and essential milestones with succinctly defined definitions and missions. Follow those principles and your idea will likely flourish, whether you plan your stories out or just wing it from page to page.
Like a doctor or a pilot or an architect needs to execute their work according to certain principles and physics, writers of fiction are compelled to do things a certain way, in a certain order. At least if they want their story to work.
That’s especially true of characterization. For my money, it’s the hardest thing we face as we address the blank page with a new idea.
We can’t write great stories until we populate them with interesting, compelling, deeply drawn characters that deliver a vicarious and empathetic experience to the reader.
Sometimes the biggest challenge we encounter is the urge to over-characterize. There’s a line somewhere, and nobody’s saying what it is. There is precious little out there in the way of modeling, criteria and qualitative checklists.
We lack for tools that help writers wring the most depth and the appropriate level of complexity out of the roles that comprise their stories.
That’s the bad news. And being a story planning type of guy, it bothered me.
So I set out to fill that gap, to create those sorely-needed story development models and explain them in ways that will empower writers to finally understand what it means to create a deep and compelling character, and moreover, how to do it.
Based on feedback, I believe I’ve done just that.
Never again will you have to wonder if your character will come off as flat and one dimensional. One dimensional won’t cut it if you wish to sell your work. Agents and publishers demand more.
There are two other dimensions available to bring your character to energized, realistic and vivid life, and my ebook will tell you how to get there. It’s called…
“The Three Dimensions of Character – Going Deep and Wide
to Create Compelling Heroes and Villains”
You haven’t seen the art of characterization explained quite this way, or quite this clearly.
If you want a preview, check out my website ( to see how I approach the art and craft of storytelling. You can’t discuss characterization properly unless it’s in context to concept, theme and structure, as well as process, and that’s precisely what I do across the board.
So enough about me. If you want it – and if you are challenged by characterization, like I am, you already know that you do – click below and let’s get started.
If not, keep reading, maybe I can convince you that you’ve never seen a book on characterization quite like this.
Larry Brooks is the author of “Story Engineering: Mastering the Six Core Competencies of Successful Writing,” to be published by Writers Digest Books in early 2011.
For more information about his workshops, bestselling and critically-acclaimed novels and ebooks, and hundreds of articles about story development and writing like a pro, visit Larry’s website:
“This is probably the clearest, cleanest, most practical piece of advice I have ever read.
It is tangible and pivotal. Thank you.”
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Ready to take your writing to a new level now?
“The Three Dimensions of Character” is only $14.95.
The Three Dimensions of Characterization will introduce you to…
- …the subtle but critical difference between character and story.
- …the different parameters of characterization for heroes and villains, also and for peripheral players.
- …the three definitions of the word “character,” and how getting them wrong can derail your entire story and even your career.
- …the seven variables that define and show your character to the reader, with examples and a warning about how to avoid too much characterization at the sacrifice of pacing and reader interest. We’ve all read that novel.
- …the six sequential character archetypes that parallel and empower plot structure.
- …the nature and importance of backstory in characterization.
- …how to implement the all-important realm of inner conflict in both heroes and villains.
- …the nature and nuance of character arc, and why your story won’t sell without it.
- …how to fuse these elements into a seamless character narrative.
- …the compelling essence of character that is a sum beyond all these parts.
Each topic is discussed and clarified through the use of examples from famous stories you’ve either read or seen in a theater, all presented with an informal and entertaining style.
The writer knows what you’re going through in your effort to develop killer characters. Not only has he been there and done that, he is there right with you as a working writer of novels, screenplays and a website that seeks to make sense of it all.
*Here’s what readers are saying about my approach
to story development:
(*All comments shown have been submitted to by actual readers without solicitation or editing; sources available upon request. There are plenty more where these came from, too.)
Excellent series! I only wish someone had laid it out this plainly before, instead of making it all seem like some sort of secret, mystic art that you had to be born knowing.
OMG this is SOME good revelation! Thanks!!! I always think my story is one with too many layers; thinking it can’t be written well but after reading this bit I am feeling MOST encouraged…
You’ve got a remarkable way of explaining this in a context that I can understand.
Thanks for the inspiring posts. It’s very refreshing to hear someone waxing eloquent on the need for boundaries, as opposed to the wild free-for-all I see too often.
Larry….you are wonderful! I have been looking for this type of in depth leadership and explanation for years! I am plowing through these lessons like a sprinter in the 400 meter relay. I am going to pass your site on to others. Keep giving us this great advice! Bless you!
Just read thru everything twice. Learned more than in any course, seminar, etc. ever! So grateful!
I didn’t want to miss any portion of that series. I thought it was THAT good.
Larry, this is probably the most informative and educational series of blogs I’ve read anywhere.
You’ve stuffed several books-full of information into a Reader’s Digest condensed version that’s easy to understand, follow, and implement.
It’s hard to believe, that after all those years of studying the novel in college and all the thousands of books I’ve read, that this structure has never jumped out at me.
This is writing advice way beyond “The Secret.” This is THE SECRET!
I’m hoping folks will be soon quoting you online as often as they do Strunk and King. Solid, easy to read wisdom, yet again.
Ah Larry, this is good meaty stuff. It’s telling me what my shelves of writing books never did.
This is amazing. I can only wonder where many of us would’ve been 10 years ago (give or take…) with your clear guidance and great instruction.
Just wanted to say that you have an amazing site here. This little nugget of gold has opened doors to writing that would’ve taken me years to open myself.
Are you ready to take your writing
to the next level?
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My Guarantee
If you don’t like what you see, if you don’t feel this ebook delivers significant value or that I’ve oversold it in any way, I’ll refund your money. Quickly.
I wish you well in your writing journey.
Thanks for considering “The Three Dimensions of Character.”
Larry Brooks
February 2010
Larry Brooks
“The Storyfixer”
Contact me at
Check out Larry’s other ebooks:
“Story Structure – Demystified”
CLICK HERE for more information
“101 Slightly Unpredictable Tips for
Novelists and Screenwriters”
CLICK HERE for more information
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