An Edgy, Secular Apocalyptic Thriller from USA Today Bestselling Author Larry Brooks… a.k.a, the Storyfixer.
Any writer who tells you that the release of their latest novel isn’t cause for both excitement and self-doubt is lying through their clenched teeth. It’s been six years since my last book, and while my storytelling chops are still lubricated, the whole author-on-tour thing is a bit rusty.
In my case there are many layers to that anxiety.
First, this story was literally several decades in the making. It was a concept that hatched before I’d published anything, and developed over time alongside my emerging writing skills, for better or worse, and a bloodied ego.
It’s a story that remained the centerpiece of both an innate fascination with all things religious and prophetic, as well as a lingering doubt that I was up to it.
I tell people it took this long because the story was always bigger than my ability to write it well enough. That I wanted to establish some credibility as a published novelist to set the stage for this, my Big Story, the one I told myself I was born to write.
Funny how things turn out. I first had to publish a couple of paperback thrillers with nearly naked women on the cover to get here.
I was also more than a little frightened by the material itself.
Over the years I’ve had ministers and psychics alike tell me I’m treading tricky ground here, messing with the fictionalization of things both Biblical and supernatural, not to mention political, and the last thing I wanted to be was the puck in a game of supernatural ice hockey.
In fact, that very notion – a writer stuck in the middle of dark forces because of something he’s written – became the heart of the concept itself.
Dan Brown hasn’t been struck by lightening yet – at least, if you don’t count his $300 million payday – so maybe I’ll live to see the movie version.
Part of the self-doubt, too, is asking my Storyfix readers to give it a shot.
I’m lucky to have this venue, and to have you reading it. In some ways this is like someone you know having published a book, and let’s be honest, that’s one of the reasons any author launches a website in the first place.
Yet, while I’m confident in the story and my execution of it, it does present an interesting opportunity to walk the walk of all this six core competencies talk I’ve been slinging into the universe.
And for you to be judge of how that works.
That said, if you like thrillers, if you enjoy speculative fiction, if you want to see if I can deliver the goodsI’ve been pontificating about here, or if you’re simply interested in the karmic quid pro quo of the free information and coaching offered here on Storyfix…
… then please, click HERE to order the novel from
Here’s the elevator pitch:
“Whisper of the Seventh Thunder” is a thriller ripped from today’s headlines with roots into what many believe might be the coming apocalypse.
When Gabriel Stone’s devout wife dies in an unlikely airline disaster, he finishes the novel she had warned him not to write, as it would challenge and even defy the will of God. The story he writes goes inside and behind the Bible’s Book of Revelation to reveal startling connections to covert operations that are, quite unknown to Stone, about to tear the world’s political tapestry to shreds.
As the book nears publication Stone suddenly finds himself the pawn in a war between superpowers and supernatural forces, each with hidden agendas beyond his comprehension and stakes that pivot on his ability to accept the unbelievable and stop the unthinkable.
“Whisper of the Seventh Thunder” is a story that is as personal as it is global in scope, juxtaposing choices that are at once spiritual and survival-dependant, with nothing short of our very souls hanging in the balance.
At the Core of the Concept
The novel’s conceptual heart leverages two of the more mysterious and foreboding verses in the New Testament: 1 John 2:18, which tells us there have been many prospective anti-Christs, and could imply that others might follow… and Revelations 10:4, which is the instruction to the author, John (while in political exile on the Isle of Patmos), to seal up what the seven thunders have shown him, to not write it down as he had the other visions, perhaps implying it is a key to the specific time and nature of the end of days.
But don’t let that scare you away. This isn’t a religious book, any more than The Davinci Code or The Omen were “Christian” books. It’s a story about how some people respond to what they believe and desire, and the consequences that come from it.
To be honest, Borders did have it initially categorized in the Christian Fiction section – nothing at all wrong with those books, by the way – which wasn’t accurate and has since been fixed. Had it not been fixed, my novel would have been the first book on that shelf to have the word f*ck in the dialogue (only once or twice, though, I swear).
Yeah, I’m goin’ straight to hell for that one. Then again, God forgives all who ask, and He knows that this is how real people talk sometimes.
But I digress.
When Stone fills in these blanks he unwittingly lights an apocalyptic fuse that only he can understand and ultimately defuse. But the cost of doing so hangs in the balance between untold worldly fame and wealth, versus his very soul.
You can read the first review of the novel HERE.
You can visit the book’s website HERE to read a longer synopsis of the story, and see what’s fact and what’s fiction. What’s fact is pretty scary in its own right.
One final note.
My previous novels were major paperback releases from a big-time New York publisher. This novel is being published by a new small press – Sons of Liberty Publishing – with a courageous vision for bringing out stories that don’t flinch or blink in the face of issues that might make some folks squirm or shy away.
Which means, while the book is already available from and other online venues, your bookstore may or may not have it in stock. If they don’t, though, they can certainty order it for you.
Your support is most appreciated and I’d love to hear your thoughts, either here or via an online review.
Thanks for tolerating my little moment in the publishing sun. We’ll get back to more storyfixing forthwith.
(Storyfix is an affiliate.)
Read the latest online review of Story Structure – Demystified… HERE.
25 Responses
Been looking for a template like this for my site would love for the developer to contact me.
It was nice hearing from the publisher on his perspective from behind the scenes. First time I’ve ever seen that done. It speaks well of Lloyd Corricelli and Sons of Liberty Publishing.
As an author myself, I fully understand the importance of feedback on amazon. I will be happy to post after I’ve read your new, intriguing novel.
I will order the minute I get home from Rome. Please do your best to post your tour dates for us. Would love to see your talk.
Ordered your book at Amazon. Not in the karmic spirit, though – I happen to be (web-)publishing a free graphic novel myself, and expect nothing in return ;o) I’m getting it for the same reason I’ve bought your e-books (your advice simply WORKS), and to see if you CAN walk the talk, since I’ve learned a lot by your talk(s) here on I’ll hit on Amazon you wit a ruthless review as soon as international snail mail delivers your “proof of concept” novel here in my corner of the world (Scandinavia).
Hi Larry,
Congratulations on your new book!
I have it ordered through Amazon and I’m looking forward to diving right in as soon as it arrives! 🙂
All the best,
Hey Larry,
I finally found the time to catch up on your posts (9 in all I was behind on, with this being the final one). I truly enjoyed your breakdown of Avatar and with it being such a massive movie, I was a little turned around concerning where the first plot point was…
Anyway, congratulations on your book! I’ll be picking up a copy as soon as I get paid.
Hope all is well!
Take Care,
I need to make another book order soon, I feel dirty if I don’t ;-). Will have to include this in it. Somehow forgot the release date else I probably would’ve already ordered it.
Also put me down as another “be interesting to see everything I’ve read preached here put to practice”.
I’ll pick this up payday, can’t before then. (Won’t even have to argue with the wife, as she saw me posting this)
This is not a genre i usually read, but the reviews i’ve read combined with wanting to see the preached lessons put into practice will make this an educational investment. i’ll read through it and try to deconstruct it like you did avatar… should be great practice and a solid learning experience.
Best of luck on with the new release!
Tolerate? Dude, this is so deserved and I am so glad to be able to read and tell you what I think! You’ve shared so much with us, it’s time for a little pay back! This is awesome! Sharing in your excitement! Can’t wait!
Blessings on the baby’s head! I wish you every success. I’m off to buy it, and will probably be the first in Scotland to own a copy. I’ll also ask my nearest biggest bookshop to order a copy.
I’m currently hooked on Supernatural (in the middle of series 5) and given the similarities in content, and the fact that you must have written yours before they went down the angels and demons route in series 4, I’d say you’re onto an inspired winner here!
(PS. Could you please ask your tech person to add the Subscribe to Comments plugin. I enjoy other folks’ comments and your responses to them.)
Certainly most of us in the industry know all about Harriet’s reviews. I have to say though that both books we’ve had her review, she definitely had to have read to know the details. It would however help with her credibility in some circles if not all of her reviews were 4 or 5 stars.
I’d be willing to bet Larry has another book well on the way to completion if not already done. As I said before, let’s hope we can make this book a success and make the NY publishers sit up and take notice. Obviously I’d love to publish him again, but being an author myself, I also know where everyone wants to be.
Outstanding. I can’t wait to read it, though it will be delayed, for I am short of cash(or any other monetary denomination). I know what you mean about a story that’s too big for you, for I am in the same boat.
I had a “vision”(or revelation, either one) about the world’s religions. When it came to me, I knew I wasn’t ready, but at the same time, like you said, I knew it was the book I was supposed to write. Now, I await the day my skills have grown, and when I have a few other works financing the extensive research I would need.
I wish you luck in your sales, and any other writing venture you decide to pursue. I can’t wait to get enough money to read your book.
Awesome Larry – can’t wait to get my copy! No six-year wait next time please 🙂
Mark Usher
I’ve ordered it, too. I look forward to a couple reads for entertainment, then…
You’ve lured us pantsers to the designer side of the Craft. Betcha there will be a lot of deconstruction and comparison to Story Structure, Three Dimensions and 101 Tips. You’ve been talking the talk, we’ll see if you can walk the walk. A bit scary, right?
Larry, congratulations and all the best on the success of your newest book. I shared your announce on fb. t
I just ordered it; I very much look forward to reading it!
@Kathleen — thanks for commenting, and yes, I’m aware of Harriet and her prolific pace and propensity for 4 or 5 stars (she reviewed my other four novels, as well, so I get it). That said, she definately read this novel, or someone did — her review was too specific to have simply used the back cover blurb — so while I can’t comment on her 5-star rating, that’s for others to decide, her content and take on the book was spot-on. Somebody, if not Harriet herself, got it. I’ll post other reviews as they come in, a well. Thanks again — L.
Congratulations on your release! That IS always exciting. I’d also like to say that you struck a wonderfully balanced tone here…of course you want us to buy it, but you’re not pushy or going over-the-top. 🙂
I thought I’d let you know, though, that many, MANY of us know that Harriet Klausner (aka #1 Amazon reviewer) writes worthless reviews. So personally, I wouldn’t tout that. She posts dozens of 4 and 5 star reviews every single day, she never gives a low-star review, and many of her reviews don’t accurately reflect the book she’s reviewing, proving that she doesn’t really read at least some of the books she reviews. anyway, I thought I’d let you know that it might actually hurt you to give credence to her review. You’re better off mentioned the other reviews on there, from people who aren’t known for reviewing books they haven’t read.
I am so much looking forward to reading this, Larry. I was able to order it from South Africa’s online bookstore, Kalahari and they estimate only a ten day waiting time. Will put up a review there as soon as I’ve read it.
Congratulations, Larry!
As the publisher, fellow author and person who edited the book, I can say firmly this is a fantastic story. Larry is a masterful writer and you will no doubt enjoy the way the words seem to leap off the page and the story doesn’t allow you to put the book down. I’ll tell you one thing, I learned a hell of a lot working with him.
Certainly we have a personal stake in the success of this book, but as a small company you must understand that we can’t afford to publish just anything. We plan to release 3-5 books a year for the first few years and those books have to be well written quality stories in order to build our business and be successful. If not, we go the way of so many other small publishers.
Landing an author of Larry’s caliber was a major coup for our little publishing house and we hope it will put us on the map. It’s also of utmost importance to us that Larry succeed as the author and people read his book and love it as much as we do. He took a big chance going with us and we are greatly appreciative.
To make Whisper of the Seventh Thunder a success though, we need your support. Buy the book, review it on Amazon and other on-line sites and tell your friends and family. We don’t have a multimillion dollar marketing machine like our big brothers in New York. Instead we have to rely on the internet and word of mouth. It’s people like that can help us make this a big success.
Those of you who have been learning to write at the feet of the master here on can finally pay him back by giving Larry your support by buying this book and making it a smash hit.
Let’s make the New York publishers wonder what in the hell is going on with Larry Brooks and his newest novel…and have them banging down his door to get the next one.
Congratulations, my friend. I foresee great things coming from this endeavor.
It sounds exquisite! I will give it a read and look forward to more! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and best of luck!
Considered… and bought. 🙂
Takes 18 days to 4,045,055 days to arrive here in Sydney, Australia – the arse end of the world. I’m hoping it’ll be more around the 18 day mark but alas only time will tell.
Congratulations mate, and thanks again.