Novel Writing Tips and Fundamentals by Larry Brooks

Larry Brooks, the author of four critically-acclaimed bestsellers, has consolidated principles from his professional writing workshops into four ebooks below: “Get Your Bad Self Published”, “The Three Dimensions of Character: Going Deep and Wide To Develop Compelling Heroes and Villains, “101 Slightly Unpredictable Tips for Novelists and Screenwriters” and “Story Structure – Demystified:


In “Get Your Bad Self Published” You’ll learn…

This is a book for serious writers with serious intentions. It’s not a listing of agents and publishers; there are plenty of those resources out there. Rather, this is a book about enlightenment. About working smart. About leveraging what published writers already know and the vast majority of new writers don’t.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how to “Get Your Bad Self Published”



The Three Dimensions of Character will introduce you to…

Each topic is discussed and clarified through the use of examples from famous stories you’ve either read or seen in a theater, all presented with an informal and entertaining style.

The writer knows what you’re going through in your effort to develop killer characters. Not only has he been there and done that, he is there right with you as a working writer of novels, screenplays and a website that seeks to make sense of it all.

Click here to learn more about “The Three Dimensions of Character: Going Deep and Wide To Develop Compelling Heroes
and Villains



“Story Structure – Demystified

In “Story Structure – Demystified” you’ll learn…

…why structure is necessary, and how the lack of it will sabotage you.

…how to you use your understanding of story structure to plan your story ahead of time…or, if you’re an organic writer, how to use it to organize and empower your thinking so that you get it right the first time, rather than requiring multiple drafts to find it.

…the Big Picture of story structure, and how to understand and apply each of the specific elements within it.

…an in-depth look at the four major parts of a story.

…how to hook the reader early and keep them engaged and emotionally invested right to the end.

…how and when to imbue your characters with depth, complexity and nuance, and how to evolve your hero over the arc of the story.

…how and when to use foreshadowing, and why it works.

…how and when to launch your hero’s journey in the story.

…how to craft the most important moment in your story, and know where it goes.

…how to manage and achieve optimal pacing using story points, milestones, plot twists, lulls and pinch points.

…how to use context as a powerful and necessary dramatic tool.

…to understand what kind of scene to write for the part of the story in which it appears.

…how to juice your story through mission-driven story architecture.

…all about the most important elements of story, which are too often undervalued or misused, and sometimes even overlooked.

…how to fuse the essential six core competencies of storytelling into a dramatic sum that exceeds the parts.

…how to recognize old belief systems about storytelling that are no longer applicable in today’s literary marketplace.

…to apply and manipulate structural principles to the needs of your specific story.

…what agents and publishers expect in the way of structure, and how to avoid the common mistakes that result in rejection slips.

…and a whole lot more.

This book is 127 pages of densely-packed information, written in a lively style that might make your creative writing teacher change professions. But then, your creative writing teacher was a lit major, not a bestselling novelist.

This isn’t about old rules and formulaic storytelling. It’s about understanding and applying the proven principles of dramatic narrative to give readers an experience they’ll value and remember.

In other words…writing stories that work.

Which leads to writing stories that sell.

Click here to learn more about “Story Structure – Demystified



“101 Slightly Unpredictable Tips for Novelists and Screenwriters”

Here are a few things this little book – which isn’t so little, actually… it’s over 32,000 words and 142 pages long – will show you:

… and a long list of other ideas, tips, techniques, warnings, war stories, advice, and writing wisdom.

I wish someone had told me all this stuff back in the day.

One other thing you should know. This isn’t just a list of 101 ideas. It’s actually 101 little essays, in some cases more like 101 mini-training modules.

Click here to learn more about “101 Slightly Unpredictable Tips for Novelists and Screenwriters”